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Finally got to it, and after understanding a bit through trial and error I can say that a tutorial with separate

puzzles would greatly enhance the experience. That aside this was a nice escape room style game.

Thx for your support fam

Fun and interesting mechanics! Almost got to the end, but had a little trouble with  some of the items like the scissors. Great game overall! Here is my play thru.


Thank you for your feedback, it is very important to me!

This game is really good, and has a massive amount of potential. The only issue is the game is a little too dark and it has seemingly redundant objects that you can pick-up with no explanation on what certain objects do; I must mention that its easy to get lost on what to do next. Besides all of that, this is a heavily underestimated-game!

Thank you for your feedback, it is very important to me, I plan to improve the game in further patches!